TeamXbox: Xbox 360 Red Ring of Death..

Date: Sunday, July 09 @ 03:43:01 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

One concept that is sure to make the blood run cold in any Xbox 360 owner's veins is the sight of the dreaded "red ring of death". More appropriately, the ring of light on the front of an Xbox 360 flashing red, indicating some major trouble is about to go down.

Since its initial launch, the Xbox 360 has taken on a bad rap- in the media at least- as a system that constantly overheats, is poorly manufactured, and is too unstable to be on store shelves. The aforementioned problems are just a few of the reasons people claim to have experienced when the dreaded flashing lights illuminate on their beloved console.

Whatever the reason for seeing them, these lights are never a welcome sight. We've read the plights of our forum members who've had to go through the process of getting a new Xbox 360 when they've gone caput, and heard the problems experienced with trying to get a new system. So when several of us at TeamXbox had our systems go the way of the dodo, we decided to record the process from beginning to end, to see what all is involved, and maybe offer up some friendly advice for those who've yet to experience this issue. We also gave Microsoft a chance to chime in on the subject, and they've obliged, which does show us that the console maker is all about righting the red-ringed fleet.


This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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