The Night Wanderer and Thorgal - two new games coming soon!

Date: Thursday, May 16 @ 15:37:50 UTC
Topic: Xbox One

Polish studio Mighty Koi has announced two major titles. Players can explore the world as Vuko from Jarosław Grzędowiczs popular "Lord of the Ice Garden" series in the first game. The second is an interactive rendition of Thorgal's iconic comic book escapades. Both games are being developed for Xbox Series X|S, PS5, and PC platforms.

The Night Wanderer and Thorgal - two games based on iconic fantasy settings coming to Xbox Series, PS5 and PC

The Night Wanderer
lets players experience the world known from the “The Lord of the Ice
Garden” book series by Jarosław Grzędowicz. Vuko – the main character
from the books – will embark on a journey to Midgaard, a planet
inhabited by an alien civilization with technological advancements
comparable to the early Middle Ages on Earth.

Vuko, the protagonist of the books as well as the game, is part of a space expedition with the mission to uncover the fate of previous explorers sent to the planet of Midgaard. At the time of his mission, the alien civilization's technological level can be compared to the early Middle Ages on Earth.

The protagonist has to give up all modern inventions and try to blend in with the inhabitants, without interfering with their rate of development. His only help is a fungi-based biochip, which gives him some superhuman abilities. Upon arrival, Vuko realizes that Midgaard is ravaged by unexplained, almost magical anomalies, which might be linked to the disappearance of the previous expedition.

Mighty Koi promises a dynamic and innovative combat system, which blends soulslike gameplay with RPG and adventure game elements.

Thorgal is an action RPG set in the mythical Norse world, known from bestselling comics written by Jean Van Hamme and illustrated by the legendary Grzegorz Rosiński. The saga has sold over 20M copies worldwide and is still being published since 1977. Finally, gamers will get a chance to experience the digital version of this epic saga.

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