Double Fine Happy Action Theater available now

Date: Friday, February 03 @ 00:01:02 UTC
Topic: Live Arcade

Double Fine's latest Kinect game, Double Fine Happy Action Theater, is now available for download via Xbox LIVE Arcade, it's priced at 800 MSP ($10).

Content: Double Fine Happy Action Theater
Price: 800 Microsoft Points
Availability: Check availability in your Xbox LIVE region
Dash Text: Are you annoyed at how little magic you are able to shoot from your fingers? Have you ever tried to get grandma to do the worm, but all she would do is just stand there? Have you ever noticed how your living room doesn’t have any hot lava in it? And who designed this living room anyway?! It doesn’t even have any buildings to smash! Well, Double Fine Happy Action Theater can solve all of these problems and more! You will also be able to clone yourself or hang out in a plate of jelly if you want. And when you’re done with that, maybe you will want to feed some pigeons or have a snowball fight. There are 18 amazing ways that Double Fine Action Theater will enhance your life! And up to 5 of your friends’ lives too! (ages 2 to 102)

Add the free game demo to your Xbox 360 download queue

File Size: 322.00 MB
360-HQ Games Hub: Double Fine Happy Action Theater

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