ATI Claims Unified architecture gives Xbox 360 the graphical edge

Date: Sunday, June 12 @ 23:02:44 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

' Microsoft's Xbox 360 will have better graphics performance than the PlayStation 3 despite the better on-paper specifications of the Sony console, according to graphics chip designer ATI's Richard Huddy '

"That mere 10 per cent clock speed that RSX [note x-s: Nvidia's PS3 gfxchip] has on Xenos [note x-s: ATI's Xbox360 gfxchip] is easily countered by the unified shader architecture that we've implemented," he claimed. "Rather than separate pixel and vertex pipelines, we've created a single unified pipeline that can do both."

"Providing developers throw instructions at our architecture in the right way, Xenos can run at 100 per cent efficiency all the time, rather than having some pipeline instructions waiting for others," Huddy explained. "For comparison, most high-end PC chips run at 50-60% typical efficiency. The super cool point is that 'in the right way' just means 'give us plenty of work to do'. The hardware manages itself."


This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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