Arcade: Final Fight: Double Impact now on XBLM

Date: Wednesday, April 14 @ 01:19:06 UTC
Topic: Live Arcade

Final Fight: Double Impact is now available for download from the Xbox LIVE Arcade for Xbox 360. The game will set you back 800 MS Points and weighs in at 192 MB.

It's a double strike of arcade perfection as Final Fight™: Double Impact takes you on a hard-hitting journey through Capcom history with the ultimate versions of arcade classics Final Fight and Magic Sword. Double Impact slams into your home with seamless online and local co-op multiplayer, new music by acclaimed remixologists, HD-filtered graphics, a host of unlockables to discover, and an integrated online leaderboard to prove your mettle!

Content: Final Fight: Double Impact
Price: 800 Microsoft Points
Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions except Japan
Dash Text: (ONLINE INTERACTIONS NOT RATED BY THE ESRB) Final Fight: Double Impact takes you on a hard-hitting journey through Capcom history with the ultimate versions of arcade classics Final Fight and Magic Sword. Double Impact slams into your home with seamless online and local co-op multiplayer, new music by acclaimed remixologists, HD-filtered graphics, a host of unlockables to discover, and an integrated online leaderboard to prove your mettle!

Add Final Fight: Double Impact to your Xbox 360 download queue

File Size: 192 MB
360-Hq Games Database: Final Fight: Double Impact for Xbox 360

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