AUSTRALIA: R18+ Classification for Games - Debate

Date: Wednesday, December 16 @ 23:29:34 UTC
Topic: Gaming

Are you Australian and Sick of the M15/18+ games rating talk? Want to voice your opinion and let the Australian Government know what you think? Now is the time to do it.

A survey of 1614 Australian adults commissioned by the IGEA found 91 per cent were already in favour of an R18+ rating

Submissions are invited by close of business 28 February 2010. Submissions received after the due date may not be considered.

An R18+ Classification for Computer Games - Public Consultation

The Commonwealth Government has released a discussion paper which briefly summarises the key arguments for and against an R 18+ classification for computer games. Censorship Ministers have considered the issue of an adult classification for computer games on several occasions. However, they have not undertaken public consultation on this issue.

Submissions are being sought on whether the Australian National Classification Scheme should include an R 18+ classification category for computer games. Submissions can be made by downloading and completing the submission template. Submissions may also be mailed or faxed. The discussion paper and submission template contain the contact details for making a submission.

Submissions are invited by close of business 28 February 2010. Submissions received after the due date may not be considered.

Unless confidentiality is requested, submissions are public documents and may be accessed by any member of the public, published on the Commonwealth Attorney‑General’s Department’s website and quoted in further review papers. If you do not want your submission to be published, or you would like to request anonymity, you must clearly request this in your submission.

About the National Classification Scheme
Films, computer games and some publications are classified under a National Classification Scheme which is a cooperative arrangement involving the Commonwealth, States and Territories. The Classification Board classifies films, computer games and publications by applying the Commonwealth Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995, the National Classification Code and the classification guidelines.

Due to the cooperative nature of the Scheme, any major changes to classification policy, such as the introduction of an R 18+ classification for computer games, must be unanimously agreed by Commonwealth, State and Territory Censorship Ministers.


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