Bungie Has A Lot To Learn From COD4

Date: Wednesday, August 06 @ 12:13:55 UTC
Topic: Gaming

This will come as no real surprise to the mass of COD4 fans out there but might leave the Halo fans scratching there heads and saying WTF, in an interview with GameIndustry Bungie's Lead AI Programmer, Damian Isla, made a few comments i found to be interesting if not just a good idea.

Damian Isla's comments were as follows: "We have a lot to learn from their success too, they did some very innovative things to keep people going and their experience-rewards system was something that we paid a lot of attention to."

"I think it's a great game and single player obviously is fantastic... they did a hell of a job with their set pieces, of scripting certain moments that they were really sure the player was going to actually see and experience first hand. The way that they use those moments to craft the player experience...Halo has a lot to learn from."

"While we certainly have many scenes throughout the Halo series that are scripted in-game moments, a lot of time players don't experience it, or they don't see the thing going on, or they maybe don't experience it in quite the same way that we expected them to."

"I think Halo has always been an extremely simulation driven game...simulation, I think, adds replayability - it adds depth to the game - but it also makes scripting much more difficult and it means designers have a much harder time."

If you ask me the one point not made but i feel is needed is the fact a copy of COD4 has dropped in price while Halo3 is still around 60 bucks which is the one thing that has stopped me and lots of gamers like me from getting a copy.

News-Source: gamesindustry.biz

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360-Hq Game Database: Call of Duty 4

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