Grand Theft Auto 4 DLC to feature San Andreas?

Date: Thursday, May 08 @ 22:51:10 UTC
Topic: Live Marketplace

One user on the website has seemed to found some info that shows a plane ticket for Niko Bellic going to San Andreas

The user "Basa" on the GTAForums Website has apparently found something in the story gang section of rockstar's Social Club.

"I was messing about with the Story Gang thing on the Social Club website. I noticed you could click and drag the things about that are under the story book. I found a plane ticket. Have a wee look and see for yourselves..."

Could this discovery relate San Andreas to the upcoming downloadable content we've all heard so much about. Only time will tell and you can bet 360-hq will be the first to know.

Feel Free to discuss this in our forums, If anyone can confirm this also feel free to show us in the forums!

News Source: GTAForums
360-Hq Game Database: Grand Theft Auto 4

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