Leslie Benzies Speaks His Mind

Date: Sunday, April 27 @ 13:02:55 UTC
Topic: Gaming

Speaking to the The Sunday Times Leslie Benzies has let his feelings be known on all the controversy surrounding the Grand Theft Auto series and in doing so made a few all to familiar comments.

Now it would seem that when an opining comment on the GTA games reads like this: "Rockstar’s games have frequently provoked controversy.
One game was withdrawn across America after it emerged that it contained hidden sex scenes. The case prompted Hillary Clinton to call on the Federal Trade Commission to investigate. She criticised Rockstarcriticized for "stealing the innocence of our children and making the difficult job of being a parent even harder.” that thay would follow up by stating a few cases that show whare GTA is linked to shootings or killings but guess what, thay cant since it has not happend.

Since GTA has no real links to killings or real life violence The Sunday Times had to turn to the old stand by (Manhunt) to try and get a point across about videogame violence, case in point: "High street retailers including Dixons, Currys and PC World banned the original Manhunt after it was linked to the murder in 2004 of Stefan Pakeerah, 14, from Leicester, who was beaten with a claw hammer and stabbed repeatedly. His parents blamed the murder on the game; the killer was a frequent player."

Benzies said (and this is whare the famileir coments come in): “We wanted to make a horror game that would scare you in the same way a film would.

“It doesn’t seem to me to be any worse than a film. If it’s a film or a book, you can do what you want. We seem to be in a different category.”

However, Benzies claims that some of those who criticise his games are unnerved by progress. “There is a big fear factor here. It’s the coming of the railways, it’s Elvis shaking his hips. It’s cars going over 25 miles per hour and making people explode,” he said.

“We’ve had such a beating over the past three years. If I get into a confrontation about it, once I’ve had my beating, I ask if they’ve ever played the game. Invariably they haven’t.”

Benzies said that he was mindful of the game’s 18 certificate and would not allow his children to play it, adding: “We’re very careful about who we market the game to and what is in the game.”

Now if a few of the comments seem famillier It might be because thay are a lot like a few of the coments that Stephen King made in an older post titled: Stephen King's take on games whare king made a few points on the unfair standerd in which games are held compaird to movies, and books.

I would love for my next post of this nature to be about how the movie and game raiting system are the same but i just cant see it working out that way so go forth and kill the masses and do as your violent mind wants, just keep it in the game and out of the news.

News-Source: timesonline

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