Guitar Hero Not All About The Guitar?

Date: Monday, April 21 @ 17:42:52 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

For some time now we have seen a battle being played out between Guitar Hero III and Rock Band and it looks like the Guitar Hero franchise might be taking notes on whats helping Rock Band pull out in front.

In an interview with Conde Nast Portfolio magazine Activisions CEO Bobby Kotick has been quoted as saying "It's not just about guitars, we'll include a lot of other instruments, vocals. It will help us expand internationally. It's the first game we've had in which we can use local content and local bands."

I still feel this battle has more to do with the available DLC and that it is the major factor in who will come out on top but as we all know every little bit helps.

360-Hq Game Database: Guitar Hero III

360-Hq Game Database: Rock Band

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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