HMV offering Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Clan Pack

Date: Monday, March 10 @ 08:12:52 UTC
Topic: Gaming

HMV currently has a special offer available for "Rainbow Six Vegas 2". The Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Clan Pack offers a free copy of the game after you purchase three copies.

Ubisoft has recently revealed a great way for all Rainbow Six Vegas fans to save some money when buying the new Rainbow Six Vegas 2. HMV Online has a special Clan Pack offer which includes four copies of the game for the price of three. This offer is only available for the Xbox 360 version.

View more "Rainbow Six Vegas 2" Screenshots and Info

Those that order from HMV will also get two exclusive guns to use in the game: the TAR21 Assault Rifle and the M486 Assault Rifle.

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is soon to be released on Xbox 360 and PS3 in March, with the PC version to follow the next week.

360-Hq Game Database: Rainbow Six Vegas 2 for Xbox 360
Official Site: HMV Online

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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