46% of Stores Selling Minors M-Rated Games

Date: Thursday, November 22 @ 19:17:58 UTC
Topic: Gaming

A study conducted by the National Institute on Media and Family found that minors were able to to purchase M-rated titles from almost 50 percent of US retailers surveyed.

The two-month undercover survey, which covered 60 US retailers, found that underage teens were able to buy games rated M for Mature (17+) at 46 percent of stores, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune.

The NIMF and East County Youth Coalition, which aided the NIMF in conducting the survey, are now calling for stricter adherence to retailer rating guidelines, the implementation of formal training for retailers, and the physical separation of M-rated titles from other games.

However, the findings of the survey still put the game industry ahead of many other entertainment sectors, including the movie and music industries.

The news comes after four US senators, including Hilary Clinton, called for a review of the Entertainment Software Rating Board Tuesday.

News-Source: Next-Gen

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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