Xbox 360 owners reporting blank video output issue

Date: Sunday, June 24 @ 23:19:49 UTC
Topic: Hardware

Although the reports are limited to what seems like one thread on the Xbox 360 forums, several Xbox 360 owners are saying that their consoles are starting to stop displaying video.

Several users say the screen goes blank during gameplay, and white lines appear at the bottom of the screen, although the audio continues to come through. At least one user reports seeing the red aspect of the color signal failing to come through, with the image then failing completely. It sounds like most users with the problem are encountering this after a fair degree of time with the console, after no previous problems. For now, we'll just have to add this problem to the list of other technical issues with Xbox 360: hopefully it won't go any further than the current anecdotal evidence.

puffdank from our very own forums has also been having similar issues.. If you would like to get involved in the 360-hq topic please check it out by visiting the link below:

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