Guitar Hero II: Defective Xbox 360 Guitars

Date: Tuesday, April 10 @ 00:11:43 UTC
Topic: Hardware

Some Xbox 360 owners have noticed that while wailing on their whammy bars to snag more Star Power, that the performance of the controller has been less than rockin'.

Kotaku reader Ken got an official response from a customer service rep who provides details on the problem.

We have isolated this issue to two model numbers that can be found on the guitar's packaging. The numbers are 95065 and 95055. We are asking that customers who puchased their items from a retailer perform an exchange with that respective store (for a model number other than the defective two listed above). Customer's who purchased through our online story can complete an rma request for their defective item and we will exchange it for a fully function guitar controller. We do apologize for the inconvenience and will [resolve] these matters.

So, write it down, buyer beware, all that. Just don't stop rockin'!


This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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