Chrono Trigger Remake Actually a 'Possibility'

Date: Monday, February 12 @ 19:59:23 UTC
Topic: Gaming

Probably not something to get your hopes up for.

Last week we highlighted an interview Cubed3 conducted with Hiromichi Tanaka, Square Enix Senior VP, where he seemed pretty dismissive when the topic of a remake of Chrono Trigger came up. Today, however, we have access to the complete full transcription of the interview up, which reveals a tone a little different.

With regards to a Chrono Trigger remake:

"There's still a possibility, but since the main director is not working for Square Enix now -- he's working on other titles in a different company, Namco Bandai, it's a bit difficult to ask him to come back and be the head of a team again. And also, Kato-san is working on the fourth game in the Mana series. So there's still a possibility that he might think he might want to make it again..."

There's still a possibility.


This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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