Microsoft Responds to Slow Movie Download Issue

Date: Thursday, November 23 @ 01:41:52 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

Microsoft just pinged me to let me know that the monstrously slow download I've been experiencing while trying to rent Poseiden through the Xbox 360 is, in fact, not typical.

Due to the overwhelming popularity of the new full-length content following the launch on Xbox Live Marketplace we are aware some gamers are experiencing temporary difficulties accessing content, due to the volume of demand. Download times will vary depending on broadband speed and size of content, and we expect the current issues some gamers are experience will be resolved soon.

The rep went on to tell me that in a perfect world a two-hour HD movie would be about 5.85GB and, with a 6Mbps connection, should take about 2 1/2 hours to download. Fortunately, the service's streaming technology should let you start watching the movie in about ten minutes or so. Of course all of that is based on a bunch of variables, so experiences won't be the same for everyone.

So far, I'm much more impressed with the Movie service than I am the TV one.


This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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